Day 63
July 14 - 96km (Perth)
It was great to finally reach Ontario, but I was more excited to get to Toronto, where my friends and family were. I had over 400km to go, but I told myself I would be getting there in the next 4 days no matter what.
Using the app Warmshowers, I had a bed lined up for the night - I just had to get there. As I got out of the city, I initially took the 7, which was a more direct route. However, this was a harrowing experience as there was virtually no shoulder and heavy transport traffic. I was nauseous from breathing in the fumes from the trucks and quickly realized I needed to take the backroads which would add to my total distance.
As I was biking, a kind lady offered her place for the night; however, I had not covered enough distance for the day. I needed to be hitting 100km a day to reach Toronto by my self-imposed deadline, so I had to pass on her offer.
The country roads were really beautiful. I eventually got to my Warmshowers host, Chris, and took a bath in the lake. While talking with Chris, I realized that the stretch from Sudbury to Kenora was going to be a difficult ride for a multitude of reasons (shoulder conditions, mosquitoes, isolation) - but that was a problem for later. For now, it was time to sleep.